
IBM i / AS400 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Services 

How do you handle EDI challenges like a growing backlog, finding qualified IBM i / AS400 EDI specialists, data changes, and cost concerns?

Have you been neglecting your Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems?

It is not uncommon to find issues with your EDI and IBM i / AS400 or JD Edwards systems integration. Because EDI is running in the background, it’s easy to ignore and most people probably just assume that it’s working. And if it’s inefficient? Well, who really wants to spend money on something that just sits in the background when there are more exciting things to invest in? It's time to give your EDI integration some love.


The cost of processing an EDI order is around $1 vs. the $70 cost to process a paper-based order 



82% of companies implement Electronic Data Interchange to reduce costs


75% of companies implement Electronic Data Interchange to increase business agility 

Looking for IBM i / AS400 EDI resources?

It's tough to find qualified resources for IBM i / AS400. Our developers can help clear your backlog or run an audit to see what your system could be doing better. We are the EDI experts!

Contact us to get started

IBM i / AS400 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) review and process audit

Get the most out of your Electronic Data Interchange with an audit of your IBM i / AS400 EDI business processes. A strategic review of your EDI system and processes will help you assess common challenges, such as:


EDI Data Errors


EDI Integration Backlog

  • Maintaining efficient processing requires attention to processes and having adequate support
  • One of the most common challenges seen with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems is a seemingly insurmountable backlog
  • Get your system humming by bringing in some extra help to handle customer requests, roll new customers onto the system, and add new document types

Managing Customer Requirements

  • Being able to respond quickly to customer requirements is critical
  • Processing data changes or even new EDI document types in a timely fashion
  • Having enough staff to manage translator updates, handle the data mapping, and implement custom RPG work to tie into the ERP
  • Extend your team with qualified EDI consultants to help keep your customers happy

Don't think EDI is worth the investment?

Think again. Updating your EDI saves time and money.

Did you know EDI can...

  • Reduce manual transaction errors by 40%?
  • Speed up your business cycles by 61%?
  • Reduce order-to-cash cycles by more than 20%?

Learn how to get started improving your EDI processes with a business process review →


Do you have a defined IBM i / AS400 B2B Electronic Data Interchange strategy?

Start with an audit of your EDI business process.

An audit will enable you to review your current situation, assess issues, prioritize opportunities, and maximize efforts, resulting in a winning B2B strategy.

  • Review of current processes, people, and technologies
  • Assess potential for improvements in strategic areas
  • Recommendations ranked by effort and impact
  • Deployment checklist
  • Timeline of next steps by weeks, months, and quarters
Learn more about our EDI strategy process →
briteskies-edi-consulting support

Do you need consulting resources to support your IBM i / AS400 Electronic Data Interchange system?

Are you prepared if a member of your EDI support team leaves or is unable to work?

While your team may be in place now, life happens. Don't get caught short-handed; trust your IBM i / AS400 EDI project to Briteskies' experienced team. We can help you bridge a short term gap or fill a long term need.

Learn more about our staffing options →


Have you inherited an EDI system?

"We often see where EDI is ‘inherited’ by a new team and they really don’t know what they have nor how all of it works. Layer in the fact that a significant portion of the company’s transactions (i.e. revenue) are flowing through the EDI system, and this quickly becomes a high-profile challenge."

Bill Onion
Managing Director, Briteskies

Take our IBM i / AS400 self-assessment to see if you need outside assistance

Let’s take a quick look at your system and find out where you stand. (No cheating!)


How many EDI translators are you running?

Download SVGPerfect for when you want to use just one icon as a vector on the desktop or in your own icon workflow.If your answer is more than one, you're in trouble.


Do you have multiple coding languages in use?

You should only be writing in one language.


Are you processing both inbound and outbound transactions?

Most companies only do one, but you should be doing both.


Do you have a defined process for adding a new customer or document type?

The answer should be yes!


Do you have a workflow for managing your EDI implementation process?

Once again, the answer should be yes!


Do you have a standard process for each major document type?

And do you have defined standard data sets for each document?

Say it with us: the answer should be yes!


What percentage of your transactions need to be touched daily?

The answer should be zero!


How long is your backlog?

Is it taking months to add those new customers or documents? We can cut that list down significantly.

If you answered five or more questions correctly – congratulations! You are on the right track.

If not, then learn more about how our EDI review will answer your toughest EDI questions.

Contact us for a solution to your EDI problems