
Streamlined Orders and Reports Help Build a Better Way to Support Safety

Viking SupplyNet: an Adobe Commerce Cloud success story

  • Adobe Commerce, powered by Magento 
  • Mulesoft Mule ESB
  • uRapidFlow product & category importer/exporter tool

About Viking Group

Viking Group, Inc. is a global leader in the manufacture and distribution of innovative fire protection and life safety systems that include fire detection, control, and suppression technologies. Viking established Viking SupplyNet in 1988, linking together all the essential elements to provide seamless, complete solutions for contractors. Currently, Viking SupplyNet distributes the largest selection of sprinkler system components to customers in over 70 countries. Worldwide, Viking SupplyNet is represented by over 30 wholly-owned locations, as well as a large network of independent distributors.


Seamless integration between Magento and IBM i (AS/400)

Created a unified
 eCommerce experience

Incorporated user-friendly pricing, ordering, and reporting

600+ new client accounts in first 9 months after launch

The Problem

For contractors, finding the right equipment and tools to build a dedicated fire suppression system with Viking SupplyNet was challenging. 

The existing system was cumbersome and involved users first flipping through a digital catalog of items on one webpage, then opening a second window and typing in SKUs on a separate ordering site to place an order. 

Another function that needed to be addressed was the ability of customers to access their pricing models. Viking SupplyNet included a vast number of SKUs and each customer had unique pricing. This meant that the laborious copy-and-paste SKU process, was necessary, but extremely time-consuming making ordering a dreadful experience. 

The Goals

  • Integrated website for product information and ordering
  • User-friendly interface
  • Custom pricing functionality

The Result

After creating a new site with a streamlined user experience, Viking's customers found themselves ordering more efficiently and simply. A process that used to take hours of research could now be handled in a matter of minutes, allowing customers to enjoy their buyer experience and be more willing to return and shop again.

Based on the success, Viking chose to subsequently work on integrating their ERP eCommerce solution to facilitate coordination between the company's eCommerce site and back-end accounting and inventory.


Key Project Benefits:

  • Simplified eCommerce experience
  • User-friendly, customer-centric pricing, ordering, and reporting
  • Increased user accounts and repeat customers

The Solution

Viking needed a fully integrated website and contractors needed an easier way to support building a fire suppression project, based on the specifications and requirements for each commercial or residential structure and the individual instruments and parts necessary to support the recommended system.

Briteskies supported the initial implementation of with a brand-new user experience. Supported by MuleSoft Mule ESB, catalog data updates nightly, and pricing data updates instantly. Now, rather than having to find each product page and download the relevant tech specs, customers can click to create a submittal package through their shopping cart at any point in the buying process. From there, functionality creates one PDF with all tech specs for the items in the cart, combining the documents in one place with a cover sheet for easy access.

The entire scope of the project involved:

  • Quickly developing a Magento eCommerce system to consolidate marketing and eCommerce, including
    • Page Builder managed homepage
    • Branded headers and footers
    • Faceted navigation
    • Product listing pages based on a category or search query
    • Search results
    • Category pages
    • Product detail pages
  • Building an easy-to-use user interface and one-stop dedicated experience for generating e-reports
  • Integrating MuleSoft middleware to accommodate the massive amounts of SKUs, product data, and custom pricing information
“Bringing the marketing and eCommerce experience into one place, within a user-friendly interface has created a more manageable, trackable and successful process for all involved – the client and the end-users.” 
Matt Trimmer
Briteskies Business Analyst

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