Viking Group, Inc. stands as a worldwide frontrunner in crafting and dispersing cutting-edge fire protection and life safety systems, encompassing fire detection, control, and suppression technologies. In 1988, Viking pioneered Viking SupplyNet, a cohesive platform interconnecting pivotal components to deliver seamless, comprehensive solutions for contractors. Presently, Viking SupplyNet boasts the widest array of sprinkler system components, catering to customers spanning over 70 nations. Globally, Viking SupplyNet extends its reach through over 30 wholly-owned establishments and an extensive network of independent distributors.
While the out-of-the-box search included in Adobe Commerce Powered by Magento is functional enough for most merchants. It wasn’t enough for Viking though. Viking needed a fix to a specific problem they were facing in OpenSearch.
Due to the nature of their products, many of them are configurable, and because their customer base is mostly professional contractors who know exactly what they are looking for. Unfortunately, when a customer searches for their configured product by sku, they would get no results.
This is because you cannot search a configured product in OpenSearch, only the configurable parent product. Viking needed an outside solution to fix this problem.
Not only that but they were facing issues with partial matches-- mostly that they weren’t getting them. This means if someone were to type “sprikler” instead of “sprinkler” they would not get any search results
Luckily our team was able to find a module that would allow them to search for configured products and fix their partial match issue all in one.
Amasty Elaticsearch was installed into Viking’s Magento environment using Composer, our preferred method of installing modules.
This is because Composer will automatically download the specified package and any dependencies it requires. It will also update your composer.json file and create a composer.lock file to lock the dependencies to specific versions.
When Composer finished installing the package, we verified that it was installed correctly by checking the composer.json file to see if the package had been added to the require section, and by inspecting the vendor directory to ensure the package files were present.
After Elasticsearch was successfully installed and thoroughly tested, the implementation was deployed to the live site. Consequently, Viking's customers now enjoy a seamless experience, effortlessly searching for their configured products and swiftly locating precisely what they seek on their first time. Even those who eagerly search and inadvertently misspell a word are still receiving relevant results for their queries.
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